
The Conference

ServerSide.swift is a framework-independent, server-side Swift conference, where we will learn and share on a number of different related topics. The conference is aimed at being a non-profit conference and solely run for the love of server-side Swift. This space is still new and we hope to be able to contribute to the growth of ServerSide.swift by facilitating a conference where people can meet and collaborate. We have all been following and taking part in the server-side Swift movement and after running meetups in Berlin and London, we believe that the community is ready for a conference dedicated to server-side Swift!

We want people to feel safe and welcome at the conference and we expect all attendees to respect our Code of Conduct.

The Team

Tim Condon
Author, Lead Developer & Vapor Tutorial Caster
Martin Lasek
Indie Game Developer, Vapor Tutorial Writer & Swift Developer
Steffen D. Sommer
Lead Developer, Author & Conference speaker

Getting in touch

For general questions and requests, please email info@serversideswift.info. For anything related to sponsoring the conference, please reach out to us at sponsors@serversideswift.info. If you're interested in speaking, please submit a talk through our CFP form here. You are also welcome to reach out to us through the social media channels at the bottom or using our individual Twitter handles.
